Sometimes you need to shake things up

Like when I get the sense my shrines are too cluttered, and Things Have Got To Go. I am terrible with cluttered shrines. I feel like it hampers the energy, and if there’s too much going on, it just ends up feeling like a place I don’t want to be. This isn’t just the case for physical clutter, but also a shrine trying to be too many things at once.

If anyone’s wondering why this is over here, and not at Per Sebek, it’s because it pertains to the druidic shrine, and my growing sense that, if I’m going to do deipnon, and noumenia, a proper household shrine is needed, and the initial isolation of a little corner of the shrine for that purpose ended up feeling too crowded with the rest of it. So something had to happen.

And yes, I know, the High Day stuff hasn’t been posted here yet. I’ve been busy. But I’ll try to get it written up tomorrow, just so my High Day collection is complete.

But I also think this is not a bad time to post about this, considering I’m in the process of setting up a ritual calendar for my druidry that’s more than just High Days, and the evolution of my shrines is entwined with that. It’s the practical side of actually doing ritual as much as it is making space for the important things. So I hope this is somewhat interesting to you, and gives you an insight into how I’m building my druidic/Hellenic practice.

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